ALPHA certification engineers and our Uzbek colleagues from our affiliated company TPE TOO just
finished the conformity assessment and registation of the complete chemical laboratory for HYANDAI
Engineering Korea and LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Co. for the Kandym CPF Complex
(„Строительство газоперерабатывающего комплекса и обустройство Кандымской группы
ALPHA and TPE had been responsible for certification and registration of many important equipment
and complex units operating in Kandym field, like compressor units, MAC and MEC, fire safety skids
and equipment, analyzer or large drives. During the project we performed many inspections for
securing perfect quality on highest level gratefully accepted by our international clients and
The Kandym plant will become one of the largest of its kind in Central Asia. The plant includes the
first and second process lines of a gas processing facility, external power and water supply facilities, a
gathering system and an export gas pipeline, a fire station and other facilities.
After our slogan „Think Quality!“ ALPHA is proud to work for reaching the complex objectives of all
participants of he project and to take our part for developing Uzbek national ressources.